Another name of this disease – degenerative-destructive lesion of the spine affects the body of the vertebrae, ligaments and articular apparatus, the intervertebral discs. Just as often, diagnosed in men and women, usually develops after the age of 30. According to the statistics of this disease is a 50 to 80% of the population suffer.

Classification of symptoms with cervical osteochondrosis
The development of this disease, sometimes it comes before 30-35 years of age, the symptoms of the disease can occur in adolescence. Signs of cervical degenerative disc diseases in the following, explains in detail, this disease is a Problem of the modern world. Sedentary activity, longer periods of time in front of the Computer a negative impact on the health, the well-being of the people. All the symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease associated with disorders of multiple systems:
- In advanced cases, there are signs of compression, the integrity of the spinal cord located in the vertebral canal.
- The pathological process is able to influence on the peripheral nervous system. The negative effects the nerve roots of the spinal cord in the vicinity of the brood exposed to deformations of the bone sites, and cartilage tissue.
- In some cases, jamming of the vertebral arteries is performed. These blood vessels supply the brain cells with nutrients, oxygen. The violation of these processes leads to a drastic deterioration of the health of the people.

It is known that one of the first signs of the disease, – the pain of the spine in the neck. First of all, it's quick, periodically, but then goes into a chronic Form. The most important places of pain are:
- occipital muscles (strengthened when cornering, neck, head tilt);
- the area of the shoulders;
- Neck.
Pain can burn in different ways depending on the location of the lesion, the pain can be sharp, at regular intervals, to subside, to bear yelp, and of a permanent nature. With time, movements of the head in embarrassment, which is associated with the exertion of the muscles of the neck. If there is a herniation of the artery, sometimes there are cervical migraine (with the weakening of blood supply, lack of oxygen headache).
In some cases, the squeezing of the blood vessels of the circulatory system, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain of the human, the inner ear is carried out. This is the reason why nausea occurs in osteochondrosis. Is accompanied by these symptoms usually loss of appetite, what is the reason for loss of weight, lack of necessary nutrients. In the later stages of the disease vomiting may provoke it can go when turning the head or bending over. This is associated with a lack of the input of blood to the middle ear, where the center of balance.
Neurological symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease

Some of the symptoms of the disease do not belong to the characteristic features. You should know, what are the symptoms of with cervical osteochondrosis can not be ignored, for example, shortness of breath. With the defeat of this Department syndrome irritation of the phrenic nerve can develop. In patients, the difficulty in breathing, lack of oxygen, dissolves even strong shortness of breath and wheezing.
This manifestation of the pathology is often accompanied by snoring, improves it, if it is an awkward position during sleep. This leads to the person resting in the night, waking up with a feeling of General malaise, weakness, feeling tired and overwhelmed. Such a condition may, if untreated, tissue memory disturbances, decrease of concentration, and irreversible changes in the brain.
Vestibular Signs
A direction, such as the osteochondrosis of the cervical spine – vestibular signs. The supply of the brain with all the necessary nutrients is through the vertebral arteries. If you have a cervical osteochondrosis, the disturbed inner ear, the Patient is experiencing Tinnitus and ringing. In certain cases, the symptoms are added to the injury or hearing impairment.
Lump in the throat
In some cases, the disease manifests itself only to swallow a Symptom – it's hard. A feeling of what the spine of the dumpling was formed in the neck in osteochondrosis of the cervical, tickle, itch, dryness, makes it difficult to swallow. These symptoms are associated with the violation of conductivity of the Neuro-vascular trunks, proceeding from the spinal cord. Lump in the throat is not the specific symptoms of the degenerative disc disease, he points to a Tumor or an inflammatory process. If you experience these symptoms, you should consult a doctor.
Visual signs of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine
The symptoms of degenerative disc of the neck disorders of the spine can be different, but the most common are disturbances of the visual acuity. The supply of the visual analyzers is carried by the carotid and vertebral arteries. If the reduction in blood flow due to contraction of the last, begins the decline of vision that does not improve when wearing the glasses. Cervical Osteochondrosis Symptoms:

- low blood pressure;
- floating, flickering point;
- Atherosclerosis of the arteries in the brain;
- Violation of the focus on an object;
- Veil of mist before the eyes.
A characteristic feature is that the visual disturbance is due to trapping of the vertebral blood vessel, blood circulation disorders, is no improvement to the wear of the points, carrying out special exercises. You can change the Status of only a timely treatment of the underlying disease (before the development of irreversible lesions in tissue) helps.
Arterial Characters
The spine plays an important role in the human body, so that all of them concern his diseases of many systems. There are certain arterial signs of cervical degenerative disc disease, the point to this disease. Also, the sudden loss of consciousness belongs to. It is a dangerous Symptom of this disease is very uncomfortable. This happens due to the disorders of blood circulation when cerebral arterial flow temporarily, the blood.
Pronounced spasms of the arteries happens because of the response deformed bony transverse processes on irritation of the nerve endings. If your friend osteochondrosis of the neck spine and he lost consciousness, to lift to raise the legs on a small hill, to the outflow of blood from the extremities and increase the supply to the brain. After that, people tend to come quickly.
The instability of blood pressure – another Symptom of the disease from this group. Doctors can indicators to diagnose disagreement, if the blood supply is disturbed. It is not a specific symptom of degenerative disc disease, but fits into the overall picture of the disease. The blood pressure can significantly decrease or increase. The person feels degradation, therefore, it is necessary to secure the peace.
Previously, it was described that in this disease loss of consciousness sometimes occurs. This is when the blood flow to the brain was very difficult. The patients feel more dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis. This is a common Symptom that accompanies all patients with this disease. This phenomenon has a spontaneous character of the symptoms. The cause of this condition is the reduction of the number of supplied oxygen to the inner ear. It is located in the human brain, is responsible for the sense of balance. Dizziness occurs when:
- turning of the head, of the neck;
- if you are abruptly out of bed.
The temperature in the case of osteochondrosis

In some cases pathological processes in the cervical segments of the spinal cord, the structures. This happens due to the increase of the disk, stenosis of the canal. The temperature in the case of osteochondrosis – the body's response to the data of the pathology. The same reaction is possible, if the syndrome of the vertebral artery. It is a common manifestation of osteochondrosis in the last stages of the development of the disease. Therefore, the increase of the temperature refers to the nonspecific symptoms of the disease.
This characteristic is optionally available, the Thermoregulation of the body may be normal. If you like the feeling of constantly checking for pain in the neck, shoulders, nape of the neck, and when turning or tilting the head aggravation – contact a specialist, happens. No treatment is safe, will cause the condition worsens, the level of living standards to fall.